30 Sep

11TH BIPARTITE SETTLEMENT – Wage Revision 2017 in Public Sector Banks – All Updates

Next Wage Revision in Public Sector Banks is due on 1.11.2017. The Ministry of Finance has directed all Public Sector Banks to start the negotiations and conclude it prior to the effective date i.e. 1.11.2017. We will keep updating this post with all the updates with respect to Wage Revision in Public Sector Banks.

JULY 22,2020:

We are happy to inform that in today’s meeting between IBA and UFBU, broad understanding has been reached and MOU has been signed.
Detailed circular follows.
C.H. Venkatachalam
MOU signed today. BEFI did not become a party to this MOU. Detail circular follows.
Debasish Basu Chaudhury,





January 13, 2016

(June 7, 2017)

IBA has submitted their issues to UFBU after they have submitted their Charter of Demands. Some of the issues as circulated by AIBOA….MANAGEMENT ISSUES:

[1] C2C concept to be brought in

[2] Rationalisation of Special Pay carrying posts.

[3] Review of the two graduation increments

[4] Transfer and deployment of workmen staff

[5] Simultaneous conduct of departmental and judicial proceedings for workmen

[6] Conducting the departmental proceedings after retirement of workmen

[7] Premature retirement of workmen

[8] Outsourcing of any activity within the RBI guidelines

[9] Review of the automatic movement of officers from Scale I to II and also from Scale II to III

[10] To mark lien on NPS fund of employees to recover loss to the Bank on account of their proved misconduct.

(July 4, 2017)

Dear Comrades,



Meeting of UFBU was held today at Mumbai. Com.K.K. Nair, Chairman of UFBU presided

over the meeting.

Wage Revision: The meeting deliberated on the issue of our Charter of Demands submitted to IBA and the discussions held so far. The meeting felt that the entire process of discussions should be undertaken on a recurring and continuous basis in order to complete the settlement in time. Holding meetings once in a month will not serve the purpose and hence decided to urge upon the IBA to expedite the discussions so that steps can be taken to conclude the final settlement in time.

Restrictions in negotiations: The meeting expressed its strong protest on the decision of the IBA to restrict the negotiations on Charter of Demands of Officers’ Associations up to Scale-III only and demanded that as hitherto, the discussions and final Joint Note should cover all Officers up to Scale-VII inasmuch as the majority of these officers are members of their respective unions and the wage revision exercise which has been a composite one so far, should not be divided now which will create inter-scale conflicts and inequalities. It was decided to pursue the matter with the IBA, if necessary and warranted, resort to organisational programmes at the appropriate time.

Banking industry increasing challenges: The meeting deliberated in detail about the developments taking place in the banking sector in the name of implementing the banking reforms agenda of the Government. The meeting observed that instead of taking urgent remedial measures to recover the alarmingly increasing bad loans in the Banks which are threatening to drive the Banks into a serious crisis, the steps like MOU, PCA, FRDI Bill, NPA Ordnance, IBC, etc. are only aimed to clean the Balance Sheets at the cost of the Banks which represent the hard earned savings of the people rather than to recover the money. On the other hand, while denying the Public Sector Banks of adequate capital thus restricting their business expansion, freely licences are being given to the corporate houses to open private banks, small banks, payment banks, etc. thus weakening the Public Sector Banks. The meeting felt that very tough measures are required including criminal action on wilful defaulters to recover the huge bad loans given to the corporate houses, big business and top industrialists. It was also observed that the burden of the corporate NPAs are put on the shoulders of the common public and banking clientele in the form of hike in fees, charges, penalties, etc. for every type of normal banking services.

The meeting decided to launch struggle programme on the following demands and issues:

  1. Do not privatise Public Sector Banks
  2.  Stop plans of mergers and consolidation of Banks
  3. Do not write off corporate Non-Performing Assets(NPAs)
  4.  Declare wilful Default of Bank loans as criminal offence
  5.  Implement recommendations of Parliamentary Committee on recovery of NPAs
  6.  Ensure accountability of Top Management/Executives for bad loans and put in place stringent measures to recover bad loans.
  7.  Withdraw proposed FRDI Bill
  8.  Abolish Banks Board Bureau
  9.  Do not pass on the burden of corporate NPAs on bank customers by hiking charges
  10.  Do not increase Service Charges in the name of GST
  11.  Reimbursement of cost of demonetisation and other Government Schemes to Banks by the Government.
  12.  Settle issues of Employees and Officers connected with demonetisation scheme.
  13.  Immediately fill up posts of Employee/Officer Director(s) in Bank(s)
  14.  Implement Compassionate Appointment Schemes in Banks as per Government guidelines.
  15.  Removal of Gratuity Ceiling under Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 & Total Exemption of Income Tax on Gratuity and Leave Encashment on retirement
  16. Pension related issues Improvements in Pension Scheme similar to RBI/Central Government including for past retirees – Extension of erstwhile Pension Scheme in banks in lieu of NPS – Follow-up of Record Note dated 25.05.2015
  17.  Adequate Recruitment in all cadres


19TH JULY 2017


22ND AUGUST 2017






Details of the agitational programme will be sent to you in due course of time Comrades, on the one hand we have to settle the wage revision and achieve our demands in time and on the other we have to oppose and resist these anti-people banking reforms.We are sure that all our Unions and entire rank and file will rise to the occasion and make the struggle and programme a GRAND SUCCESS.


July 7, 2017

Wednesday , 23 rd August


Sub : *11 th Bipartite*



Today 4 th round of discussions took place between I.B.A. and Unions. *

The meeting began with discussion on Ten “Management Issues” as under :

1. Compensation Package on Cost to Company. Fixed and Variable Pay concept for Offficers / Workmen. I.B.A. desires to introduce declaration of ‘Performance based Bonus.’ After discussion it was decided to further discuss this issue during detailed Wage Revision process.

2. Rationalisation of Special Pay Carrying Posts. There are 8 & 3 such posts at Clerical and Sub Staff level. We made it clear to I.B.A. that additional burden of duties should be compensated. It was decided to discuss this issue during next rounds with more details from I.B.A.

3. Review of two graduation increments. Only elementary discussion took place. We opposed this move of I.B.A.

4. Transfer and deployment of Workmen Employees – para 536 of Sastry Award. We demanded better monetary compensation for transferees as transfers are effected by Managements. This issue to come for discussion during future rounds.

5. Simultaneous disciplinary action by Banks and Police. Only discussion took place. No conclusive decision.

6. Continuing departmental proceedings post retirement for Workmen Employees. Only discussion took place.

7. Premature Retirement of Workman in Public Interest. We opposed this move.

8. Outsourcing : We have asked I.B.A. to elaborate Business Needs.

9. Automatic Movement of pay Scales for Officers. Only discussion. No decision.

10. To mark Lien on NPS Fund of employees to recover Bank’s Loss. We opposed move. Issue will be discussed further.

*Thus Management Issues were discussed only. No decision was arrived.*

*Other Issues*



1. Improvement in Pay Scales and Stagnation Increments.

2. D. A. Formula

3. H. R. A.

As load factor and basic pay structure is not decided , the issue remains hanging. Will be discussed in future rounds.

*Leave Rules*

1. Maternity Leave and in continuation Special Leave to Women employees was discussed. No conclusion.

2. Leave Bank. We requested IBA to put forth exact scheme. It will happen during next rounds.

*L. F. C.*

We put forth demand for enhancement in maximum distances. Uniform inclusion of Special Trains like Rajadhani etc in all bank schemes. Also one more option to employees to select periodicity of LFC.

Discussion inconclusive.

Road Travel cost reimbursement should be at same rate for Officers and Workmen was our demand. Our other demand was to include Sight Seeing Expenses in overall limit. Cost of Taxes such as GST should be included in Ticket Price which should be enhanced accordingly and reimbursed was our firm demand.

Thus even though so many issues came up and discussed, all were discussed on primary level. Discussions to continue. IBA to come up with concrete plans to give shape to discussion.

All these issues will be discussed during future rounds.

September 6, 2017

11th BPS ……Talks held on 6/9/17

“Today , Meeting of the Core Group (Workmen) was held.

No decision was taken during the meeting on any issue. Financial matters (wage related) were not discussed. No offer on Salary Rise was made by IBA.

Out of nine Demands on Agenda, only Six were discussed. They are :

1. Leave Benefits : PL accumulation & Encashment, Sick Leave, ML, Child Care Leave, Sabbatical Leave, Paternity Leave, Extra Ordinary Leave were discussed. Only discussions took place. For Child Care Leave Unions to present a note to IBA during next rounds.

2. Women Employees : Improvements demanded by Unions in their Service Conditions was discussed.

3. Temporary Employees : Demand for their absorption in regular Service was taken up. IBA put it aside.

4. LFC : Demand for Improvement in LFC Entitlement was taken up for discussion. Nothing Materialised.

5. PENSION for post April 2010 Employees : Demand for Regular Pension to these Employees was taken up. IBA wants Unions to take up this issue with individual Banks.

6. COMPASSIONATE GROUND APPOINTMENTS : Union demand is proper implementation of Scheme. IBA says Scheme is already there as per Govt Guidelines. Implementation part Unions have to take up with individual Banks.

The following three issues as per Agenda could not be discussed. They were :

1. Increase in Transport Allowance / Reimbursement of Petrol Cost.

2. Provisions of Voluntary Cessation of Service.

3. Compensation on Transfer.

The next meeting of Core Group (Workmen) will be held on 3 rd October, 2017 at 11 am.


Earlier news:

Core Group meeting with IBA took place today. Improvement in leave benefits,service conditions pertaining to women employees,etc. discussed in detail. Some positive understanding reached. Next meeting on 3rd Oct.

CJ Nandakumar & Pradip Biswas. BEFI

Tuesday, 03 rd October,2017

Sub : 11 th Bipartite Settlement.
On 3rd Oct 2017, one more round of Meeting of the Core Group (Workmen) took place on IX th Bipartite Settlement.
The meeting was purely for Non – Financial Issues.
Demands Discussed:
1. Increase in T.A. / Reimbursement of Petrol Cost : IBA says ‘different Banks have their own different Schemes.’ Unions should take up this issue with individual Banks.
2. Voluntary Cessation of Service : Union wants deletion of these provisions. IBA said they will discuss this issue internally. No decision taken on this issue today.
3. Better Compensation on Transfer on Deployment Policy : At present it is Rs. 400 pm. Discussion to continue.
4. Expenses while on Transfers : Enhancement will be considered at the time of final Financial Package.
5. Improvements in Medical Insurance Scheme :
These issues will be discussed during exclusive meeting on this matter on Friday, 06 th October, 2017 at 3 pm.
6. Bonus for all employees without any ceiling :
Bonus is paid as per Payment of Bonus Act. So IBA expressed it’s inability to accept this demand.
7. Staff Loans :
For all types of Staff Loans individual Banks are having different Schemes. IBA can’t interfere. But IBA may “request” Banks to consider One full month’s salary as Festival Advance.
8. Uniform Guidelines on Fitment for Ex – Servicemen :
IBA to take up this matter with Govt of India.
9. Physically Challenged / Differently Abled Employees :
a. IBA may consider positively demand for Revision of Conveyance Allowance paid to these employees.
b. Tentatively it is accepted that married handicapped daughter irrespective of age to be defined as Dependent if she fulfills criteria for “dependent” incomewise.
10. Revision in Criteria / Ceiling of Dependents’ Income : Discussion to continue. But IBA gave positive signal.
There will be one more meeting of Core Group (Workmen) on 24 th October, 2017 at 11.30 am.
*Full Committee may meet on 30 th October, 2017. IBA to inform us about this.*

Monday, 9 October, 2017

Friday, 13th October, 2017

October 25, 2017


Friday 27 th Oct, 2017

_Reproduced the text message as received_
“`Quote“` :
“Today at IBA Office in Mumbai IBA held Negotiating Committee Meeting with Workmen Unions/Officers’ Associations. It was joint meeting with both Award Staff and Officers together.
At the beginning Sri. R. K. Thakkar, M.D. & CEO of UCO Bank welcomed Union Representatives on behalf of IBA and began the discussions.
IBA made it clear that as per the present market trend, they want to introduce concept of *Variable Pay* in Banks.
VARIABLE PAY will be performance linked, to encourage those who perform.
Unions showed their resentment. Issue is complicated and IBA did not come out with any clear cut idea on this issue. IBA will put forth scheme in their mind in detail next time.
Financial Offer : was expected. But did not come out from IBA. In next Negotiation Committee Meeting IBA may propose their offer for Wage Hike.
Data about Wage related expenses will be received by IBA in about a week. Then only they may decide about Financial Offer.
D. A MERGER : for merging DA with basic to form new basics cut off date may be 31.10.2016.
GRATUITY : IBA may agree to pay Gratuity as per Gratuity Act and as per Govt. guidelines.
Fractured Mandate : IBA has received mandate from Bank Managements to Negotiate with Unions only upto Scale III employees. So they are unable to negotiate for further scales.
*Five Day Week*: IBA said that they will take a call on it. They will study it’s effects on Banks’ Business as well as on Customer Service. Then only IBA can decide on this issue.
FAMILY PENSION : Regarding upward revision and 100 % neutralisation of DA on Family Pension, IBA can discuss and decide only after result of pending Court Case.
Frequency of Meetings : IBA promised that hereafter there will be more frequent meetings of Negotiating Committee to enable early conclusion of this Settlement.
Except sowing seeds of fear on account of threat of introduction of *Variable Pay*, no positive progress is made in this already delayed Settlement.”

CIRCULAR No. UFBU/2017/22 27.10.2017

Dear Comrades,
Further to the ongoing discussions in the Sub-Committee on non-financial demands, today, a round of discussions with the Full Negotiating Committee of IBA was held in Mumbai.
From the side of IBA, Mr.R.K. Takkar(MD-UCO Bank and Chairman of the Negotiating Committee), Mr.V.G. Kannan(Chief Executive of IBA), Mrs.Usha Ananthasubramaniam(MD-Allahabad Bank), Mr.P.S. Jayakumar(MD-Bank of Baroda), Mr.Shyam Srinivasan(MD-Federal Bank), Mr.Prashant Kumar(DMD-SBI), Mr.B. Rajkumar(Dy.Chief Executive-IBA), Mr.S.K. Kakkar(Sr. Advisor-IBA) and Mr.K.S. Chauhan(Advisor-IBA) were present.
From the side of UFBU, the following representatives were present:
Com.C.H. Venkatachalam and Com.Rajen Nagar(AIBEA), Com.D.T. Franco and Com.Dilip Saha(AIBOC), Com.Sanjeev K. Bandlish and Com.Vinil Saxena(NCBE), Com.S. Nagarajan(AIBOA), Com.C.J. Nandakumar(BEFI), Com.Subhash Sawant(INBEF), Com.K.K. Nair(INBOC), Com.Ramnath Kini(NOBW) and Com.Sunil Deshpande(NOBO).
We submitted the following main issues/points and wanted the response of IBA.
*Wage revision process should be completed expeditiously.
*More frequent meetings/discussions to be held for this purpose.
*Data regarding
establishment expenses,
number of employees, etc
to be provided.
*Negotiations must cover all Officers upto Scale-VII.
*IBA to make their initial offer on increase in wages.
*Fixing the Price Index upto which DA is to be merged with Basic Pay.
*Discussion on the issues pertaining to retirees viz.
100% DA,
pension updation, improvement in Family Pension, etc.
*Introduction of 5 Day Banking i.e. remaining Saturdays also to be holidays.
IBA responded as under:
*IBA will hold frequent meetings to expedite the process.
*Data on Establishment Expenses as on 31.03.2017 was provided.
Further data would be provided shortly.
*On the issue of fractured mandate by some Banks, Unions have to take up with the concerned Banks.
*For officers, Performance related Variable Pay method to be introduced.
*DA as on 31.10.2016 can be merged with Basic Pay.
*Issues like 100% DA and updation are subjudice due to litigation.
*On improvement in Family Pension, the cost aspect is being worked out.
*For introduction of 5 Day Banking, the matter needs to be taken up with various stake holders including customers and Government, etc. before any decision is taken.
There was a lot of discussion on these issues. From our side, we informed them as under:
*IBA should commence the meaningful negotiations by making their initial offer on wage increase.
*Entire exercise should be attempted to be completed before December, 2017.
*While we shall meet the top management of the concerned Banks on mandate issue, IBA also should also take initiative to resolve the matter as majority of the Banks have given their mandate for negotiations upto Scale-VII Officers.
*While we are for better performance, efficiency, more productivity, etc., any differentiated wage compensation will result in subjectivity, unilateralism, discrimination and may become demotivating and counter-productive.
*On DA merger point, Unions will discuss and come back in the next round of talks.
*On pension related issues, none of the Unions under UFBU have resorted to litigation.
*On introduction of 5 Day Banking, IBA should take necessary steps from now on.
IBA took note of our views and it was decided to discuss the issues further in the next round of talks which will be held shortly.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,

November 14, 2017:

Another round of discussion between Workmen Unions and IBA in small committee held today (14.11.2017)
A summarised note will be sent to main negotiating committee for finalisation.
We demanded for early fixing of dt for main negotiation.
No dt fixed.
Further development will b informed by circular.
Pradip Biswas./BEFI
Ufbu decides to organise signature campaign against banking sector reforms during the month of December.
Implement the program seriously to rouse public opinion in defense of PSBs.
Pradip Biswas,

February 17, 2018:

11 bipartite

February 24, 2018:

11 bipartite

11 bipartite

March 24, 2018:

CIRCULAR No. UFBU/2018/04 Date : 22.03.2018


Dear Comrades,

• Our Dharna before Parliament demanding action against PNB fraudsters
• UFBU’s Meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister
• UFBU’s Meeting with Secretary, DFS, Ministry of Finance

As decided earlier, our programme of Dharna before Parliament was conducted successfully yesterday. The Dharna was held in Parliament Street.
Leaders and activists from all the 9 constituent unions participated in the Dharna.

Besides leaders of our Unions, the Dharna was greeted by Com.D. Raja, Member of Parliament from Communist Party of India, Com.Tapan Sen, Member of Parliament from CPI (Marxist) and Com.Premachandran, Member of Parliament from Revolutionary Socialist Party. They assured their total support to our demands.

With the help of Com.D. Raja, UFBU delegation met Mr. Arun Jaitley, Hon’ble Finance Minister. Com.Tapan Sen was also present with us during the delegation.
During our meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister we submitted four memoranda on the current fraud that has taken place in Punjab National Bank, delay in Wage Negotiations, delay in Appointment of Employee/Officer Director(s) and allocation of Staff Welfare Fund to Public Sector Banks. Details are given hereunder:

Meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister:

During our meeting with the Hon’ble Finance Minister, we explained our concerns about the fraud that has taken place in PNB and the attempts to portray a picture as if the fraud has been committed by some employees and officers while the fact remained that higher level officials are also involved besides the gross negligence on the part of internal Auditors, external Auditors, Reserve Bank of India, Top Management, etc.
We demanded tough action on all concerned and immediate steps to bring back Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksy to India and take criminal action against them. Hon’ble Finance Minister assured that Government is fully seized of the matter and required steps in this direction are being taken.

We also pointed out that the media, and vested interests from FICCI, ASSOCHAM etc. are demanding privatisation of Public Sector Banks as if the fraud has taken place in PNB because it is a Public Sector Bank. Hon’ble Finance Minister was clear in his response that the fraud has nothing to do with ownership and Government does not have any move to privatise the Public Sector Banks as on date.

Wage Revision:

During the meeting we also drew his attention that the wage revision talks are not taking place and IBA has not made even their minimum offer while the Government is frequently reminding the Banks and IBA to expedite the process. We told him that the delay is causing serious resentment amongst the rank and file members. He assured that IBA would be advised in this regard.

Appointment of Employee/Officer Directors:

We also informed him that the posts of Employee and Officer Directors are vacant in all the Banks and for the past three years, no vacancy has been filled up by the Government. He informed us that he would look into the matter and asked us to meet the Secretary, DFS in this regard.

Revised Guidelines on allocation to Staff Welfare Schemes in Banks:

We also pointed out to him that as per existing guidelines, Staff Welfare Scheme allocations are made out of Net Profits but in many Banks due to huge provisions for bad loans, there is net loss though all the Banks are earning Operating profit. Hence we requested for revision in guidelines for allocation to staff welfare schemes based on Operating Profits instead of Net Profits.
He appreciated our viewpoints and assured to advise the Department to look into the matter.

Meeting with Secretary, DFS:

Thereafter, our representatives met Mr Rajeev Kumar, Secretary, Dept. of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance and submitted the copies of our letters to Finance Minister. We also explained all these issues to him in detail. He assured to follow up the matter at his end.

Comrades, we are passing through a challenging time when banking industry is passing through so much of turmoil. At the same time, our charter of demands for wage revision also needs to be expedited.
We have to campaign amongst the people to restore their confidence on the Banks. We also have to fight for achieving our demands. Hence we have to move more unitedly and cohesively.

Yours comradely,
Sd/- Bandlish, Convenor

May 13, 2018

Circular No. 2018/22 Date: 13.05.2018
To All Affiliates/State Units/ Members
Dear Comrades,
An appeal to our Young and Senior Comrades – Strike on 30th & 31st
May 2018.
You were the back bone of the organization and built up the strong edifice
and you continue to be the pillar.
The Govt and Management will try their age old game of divide and rule. I am sure you will understand and act.
Q. Why we demand Wage Revision upto Scale VII?
The 7 Scales were the outcome of the Pillai Committee Recommendations.
After the PCR we have all along had Wage Negotiations upto Scale VII. Even in the last Wage Negotiation IBA insisted on restricting negotiations upto Scale III. Some Managements also gave restricted mandate. But we turned it down and achieved our target. We also got an additional
increment for Scale IV. Though we tried the same for Scale V also we could
not achieve the same. But we had been ensuring decent wage hike for all.
Q:What will happen if the WR is restricted to Scale III in Bipartite?
The individual Managements will have the freedom to decide. Uniformity will be lost. Relativity will be given a go by. Performance will be made criteria but performance mark will be decided by the Boss. Unless you please the boss you will not get better pay or promotion. You will be left to the mercy of the Management. Discrimination will increase. Humans are
not perfect. Performance depends on the environment. Already in some banks this is happening and the resentment is increasing day by day. Hence this will only lead to divide and rule and later the officers will be left to the mercy of the Management.
Today the Associations are the watch dogs which Protest & Protect.
A rich man had 2 dogs which were guarding the house watchfully in the
night. One day a friend told him that he is wasting so much of money to
feed the dogs. So the rich man gave away the dogs. Sold for a price.
Within a week robbers came. They looted all his money and jewels. Now
the rich man cried. Regretted that he did not realize the role of the watch dogs.
Same will be our position. When the role of the Association is taken away
the Management atleast most of them will bounce on you. Step by step ,
stage by stage. By the time you will realize, you will be at great loss.
Q. What are the arguments of AIBOC for continuing these scales?
1. The Pillai Committee Recommendations and the acceptance of the
same by Govt & Banks.
2. Officers Service Rules are same upto Scale VII and they can’t be
tampered with as salary structure is part of the OSR.
3. It is the Association which defends these officers in case of a charge sheet.
4. Managements want us to demand that Officers upto Scale VII should
be outside the purview of CVC and CBI. The same should be the case
for Wage Negotiation.
5. If not us who will negotiate for them?
6. Officers are recruited under IBPS. They should have same service
conditions. Leaving it to individual managements will create
7. Many Officers upto Scale VII are members of the Association. They
have to be given Wage Revision on the same formula.
8. No Management will give a better salary if there is no negotiating
9. If the Managements want to give more really, they can provide the
amenities apart from salary which will be tax free too.
10. No Govt- No Management is benevolent. Without an
Association they will become oligarchy. They will discriminate on
Caste, Creed, Religion, Language; everything will come to play.
Q. Why Can’t you prevent the Management from giving individual
Managements can’t support the strike. It is mandatory to issue
letters asking not to join the strike. But no Management can take
action against an individual for a collective action. The Trade Union Act protects us. Hence you need not worry.
Q: Managements can transfer?
Transfers take place as per transfer policies and when you go up in the ladder it is mandatory. Can a Management transfer everybody who participates in the strike?
Q. Can I participate in the Strike when I am under probation?
Yes. We all have participated during probation. Probation can’t be extended for that. All under probation should join the strike.
We appeal to you. It’s a question of life and death. We have to stand
united as we have done all along. Take the plunge.
Join the strike.
Ensure a brighter future.
Comradely yours,

JUNE 12, 2018

UFBU meeting held today. (12.06.2018) in chennai. Congratulated entire Bankmen for the total success of 2 days strike. Decides, further programmes including more strikes in July and August on Wage Revision and Banking Reforms.

Before that decided to meet higher authorities in Govt. for amicable resolution of demands. Circular follows.

K K nair
Chairman Ufbu.

JULY 30, 2018

Today, on Monday the 30th July, 2018 talks regarding 11th Bipartite Settlement were held between IBA and UFBU at IBA office, Mumbai at 11.30 am.
After the full Negotiating Committee Meeting on 5th May, 2018, when IBA made an offer for 2% hike on Pay Slip, Negotiating Committee met for first time after almost three months’ gap.
IBA Chairman made an offer for 6% hike on salary slip. The offer was declined by UFBU as it did not satisfy our expectations.
Other Points Discussed :–
1. We wanted salary negotiations to be held upto G.M. level as was practice during earlier settlements. But IBA firmly declined this demand. Negotiations to be held only upto Scale III.

2. Last sub-committee meeting on Medical Insurance Scheme was held on 16.05.2018. Today on behalf of Insurance Co.’s; IBA proposed hike in annual premiums as under :–

In Service Employees : 30% hike in premium is proposed.
For Retired Employees : with Domiciliary Treatment Policy hike of 144% is proposed The hike for without Domiciliary Treatment is proposed at 110%.

3. During 10th Bipartite 2nd & 4th Saturdays were declared as Holidays. UFBU demanded that all Saturdays and Sundays should be Holidays. IBA promised to come back after discussing the issue with stake holders.
4. About demand of increase in Family Pension, IBA asked us to give our logic and calculations in writing.
5. For having necessary infrastructure to deal with Medical Insurance Co.’s, next meeting between IBA and UFBU is scheduled on 8th August 2018.
6. After proposed hike in Medical Insurance Premiums, Banks are requested to deliver letters accepting continuation with present scheme. They have an option to go back on old Medical Bill Reimbursement Scheme of their own. For this purpose meeting between BANKS and IBA is fixed on 4th August 2018.
7. Legal Cases of Frauds in which Bank officials and lower level personnel is subjected to Police/CBI enquiries and actions, are to be decided by respective Bank Managements and their Boards. IBA asked Unions to take up this issue with respective Bank Boards.
8. Next round of talks on 11th Bipartite may tentatively be held on 27th/28th August 2018. Before that Medical Insurance Sub-Committee will meet on 8th August 2018.
9. On 18th August 2018 separate sub-committees for Workmen and Officers will meet separately.
No positive result has come so far. Let us hope for better on 27/28th August 2018, during next round.

January 18, 2019

Bank Karmachari
Sena Mahasangh


On Friday, 18 January, 2019
Core Committee Meeting was held at IBA office at Cuffe Parade, Mumbai.

It was “Core Committee” meeting which was scheduled to discuss non financial issues. It was not main “Negotiating Committee” meeting.

Though the meeting lasted for more than 2 hours, absolutely No agreement on any issue was reached at. IBA did not give any concrete promise on any issue.

In my absence the meeting was attended by our Deputy General Secretary Mr.Vinod Nikam.

Demands Discussed
1.Stagnation Increments :
To make all increments bi annual. Those who take reversion from Officer post should also get these increments.
2. PQP : should be equal to one increment at first stage of basic pay. Sub Staff should get compensation like Clerks on passing Graduation, JAIIB, CAIIB. SUB STAFF passing CAIIB should get promotion also.
3. Parity of *pension* among all pensioners, removal of a few anomalies.
4. Widening net of Project Area Allowance. Enhancement in HRA within such areas.
5. Leave Bank, Sabbatical Leave, Study Leave.
6. One more option to retirees to opt for Medical Insurance Scheme.
7. Changes in calculation while fixing Pension like minimum service, service for full pension, calculation of average salary eligible.
8. Special Area Allowance.
9. Outsourcing: need to define core & non core business.
10. Overtime Allowance : New formula for calculation is submitted by Unions for IBA consideration.

There was only discussion on these topics. No conclusion was arrived on any point.

During last Negotiating Committee Meeting, some organisations of Officers walked out on issue of fractured mandate. They went on strike during last month. So Officer Associations did not come for meeting. Discussions were limited to workmen issues only.

Next “Core Committee” meeting is tentatively scheduled on 1 February 2019.
Main Negotiating Committee Meeting date will be conveyed by IBA at a later date.

Thank you,

Vilas Ghugar
Gen. Secretary

Bank Karmachari Sena Mahasangh Zindabad

January 22, 2019

All the bank unions are invited by IBA for a meeting on 2nd February, 2019 (Saturday).

November 15, 2019:

UFBU circular on wage revision talks..

30 Sep

Benami Property Secret Informers To Get Reward of Rs 1 Crore

The Centre is planning to give out cash rewards up to Rs one crore to secret informers who provide tip offs to investigative agencies in connection with Benami Properties.

The initiative is likely to be announced by next month.

A senior Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) official who is part of the policy making said on condition of anonymity, “An informer will get minimum Rs 15 lakh and maximum Rs 1 crore.

According to the official, the information will have to be acute and identity of the informer will be kept secret. The department will never disclose the identity as this could endanger the informer. The Benami Property Law introduced last year lacked this provision. It is a common practice by the Enforcement Directorate, the Income Tax department and Directorate of Revenue Intelligence to reward informers. The reward, however, is not so lucrative.”

Finding Benamidars is a herculean task for Income tax officials as well as the administration. A senior CBDT official told ANI, “It would be a lot easier, faster and effective method of operation if we take the help of informers. If we have an attractive award prize for informers then our task will become easy and we will start cracking Benami property holders nationwide, he further added. This policy is now with Finance Ministry. Once it gets approval from Finance Ministry and Final nod by Finance Minister, it will be announced by CBDT. An announcement is expected to be made by October end or first week of November.”

The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016 came into effect from 1st November, 2016.

Several benami transactions have been identified since the coming into effect of the amended law. The benami properties attached include deposits in bank accounts and immovable properties.

07 Sep

List of Brand Ambassadors in India

List of Brand Ambassadors in India:

1. Aamir Khan— No any Endorsement
2. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan–Coke, Longiness, Lux, Eye Bank Association of India, L’oreal, Pulse Polio Campaign
3. Akshay Kumar–Dollar Club Vests, Levi’s, LG, Micromax, Thums Up
4. Amitabh Bachchan–Cadburys, Dabur, Emami, Gujrat Tourism, ICICI, Nerolac, Pulse Polio Campaign, Zen mobile
5. Hrithik Roshan–Conthol, Hero Honda Karizma, Parle, Hide and Seek, Provogue, Sony Ericsson
6. Kareena Kapoor–Airtel, Emami, Gitanjali, Head and Shoulders, Lux, Mahindra Scooters, Pepsi, Sony Ericcson
7. Katrina Kaif–Etihad Airways, Lux, Nakshatra, Panasonic, Pantene, Spice Telecom
8. Saif Ali Khan–Asian Paints, Lays, Airtel, Head and Shoulders, Wynncom mobile
9. Shahrukh Khan–Airtel, Dish TV, Emami, Hyundai, ICICI, Nerolac, Nokia, Videocon, Brand ambassador of West Bengal, Nerolac
10. Virat Kohli—adidas, Toyota, boost drink, border security force (bsf), celkon mobile,clinic all clear shampoo, cinthol, herbalife products,, munch, fastrack, nike, red chief, sangam clothing, TVS Bike, fair & lovely, pepsi, flying machine.
11. Sachin Tendulkar: MRF tyres, Britannia biscuits, aviva life insurance, jp group cement, coca-cola, luminous power back up solution, musafir.com, Audemars piguet watch, kaspersky internet security, ADIDAS, Castrol, boost, national egg coordination committee, visa, Philips, ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, Indian Olympic Association goodwill ambassador, Skill India Mission,live pure (water purifier).
12. M.S. Dhoni: Pepsico, Reebok, Exide, TVS motors, Mysore Sandal soap, Reliance communication, Reliance energy, Orient PSPO,Aircel,Bharat petroleum, Titan Sonata,NDTV,GE Money, Siyaram, Big Bazaar, Boost, Dabur honey, Kolkatta Fashion week, Amrapali Group (Real Estate).
13. Digital India Campaign Ambassadors : Satwat Jagwani (All-India IIT-JEE—Advanced Topper 2015), Krati Tiwari (IIT-JEE —Advanced Girl Topper 2015) , Fadia and Pranav Mistry (a computer scientist and the author of ‘6th Sense’).
14. Swachh Bharat Mission’s youth-based ‘Swachh Saathi’ Programme: Ambassador — Dia Mirza
15. ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’: City compost” campaign: Ambassador is Amitabh Bachchan
16. Incredible India: Prime Minister Narendra Modi
17. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana: Sakshi Malik
18. MAA- Mother’s Absolute Affection’, a nationwide programme to promote breast feeding:Madhuri Dixit
19. ‘Mamta Abhiyan’ launched by the Madhya Pradesh Government:Madhuri Dixit
20. Brand ambassador of Telangana: Sania Mirza & Mahesh Babu
21. Brand Ambassador of Uttar Pradesh’s Election Commission: Kuldeep Yadav
22. Brand Ambassador of Jharkhand Tourism: Mahendra Singh Dhoni
23. Indian Ambassador for Rio Olympic 2016: A R Rahman and cricket icon Sachin Tendulkar, ace shooter Abhinav Bindra and Bollywood star Salman Khan
24. Brand Ambassador of ‘Indian Psychiatric Society’ to spread awareness about depression: Deepika Padukone
25. Brand ambassador of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF):Olympic silver medallist PV Sindhu
Brand Ambassador or Corporate Ambassador are mainly appointed to create communication effectively towards the consumers of respective brand.In the above list of Brand Ambassadors in India will be useful for the students those who are preparing for competitive exams like IAS/PCS/SSC/ CDS and Banking etc.